Tobacco Road Half Marathon
March 13, 2016
Cary, NC
I have had an interest in becoming a member of Half
Fanatics. It’s a group of folks who have done repeated half-marathons with a
specific time period. In my quest for Half Fanatics, I signed up for Shamorck
half marathon on March 20, 2016 along with Tobacco Road half marathon on March
13, 2016. You can go ahead and call be CRAZY because I have accepted the truth
that I truly am. Since I apparently missed the whole parking pass option when I
registered for the race back in October, my parking option was the off-site
parking at NetApp. Let me preface that I once upon a time attempted to become
an employee at NetApp since all my former co-workers have gone to work there. I’ve
heard it’s an awesome place to work, up there on the list with SAS and MetLife.
I digress. The parking instructions indicated that you needed to be at the
off-site parking between 5am-6am to catch the shuttles to the race site. Since
there was an expected 4000+ runners expected to be participating in the race, I
opted to get there EARLY so I wouldn’t run into any issue with catching a
shuttle. With that in mind, I went to bed Saturday night about 9:30pm. Oh yeah
that’s how I do it on Saturday night the day before a half-marathon. Alarm clock
was set for 4am. Yep I did not stutter 4am ladies and gentlemen. I popped up at
4am and slowly started my race preparations. Also, my brother from another
mother AKA Tall Drink is doing his first half-marathon. I call him to check on
him. I know he’s up because he wakes with the chickens. He’s wide awake. Dude
sleeps like 2-3 hours, that’s a nap in my book. We agree to meet at NetApp
between 5-5:15am. I pull into the parking lot coming in through the back
entrance apparently because there ain’t a car in the lot. I notice there was a
truck in front of me and he went around the corner. I ride around until I find
civilization. BAM I see green volunteer shirts. JACKPOT I have found the right
parking area. I parked the Max and wait for tall drink to show up. This dude
drives right past the place. “Big baby I see Cisco” I’m like you have gone too
far. He finally turns around and finds NetApp. We gather our stuff and head to
the shuttle pick up. I personally think the shuttles should just pick us up
from NetApp that’s Lazy Johanna talking. We walk to the corner of Louis
Stephens and Kit Creek. Of course the geek in me wants to google Louis Stephens
later to find out why there is a street named after him. We cross over to the
shuttles. Who do I see working with the police directing volunteers, Mike Waldvogel, a fellow NCRC member. We head to
the shuttle and who do I spy with my little eye Paula O’Neal directing
volunteers on to the shuttles. I know we are early because we are one the 1st
shuttle. Shuttle is filling up fairly quickly. We head to the race site. I ask
tall drink how he is feeling, he’s getting nervous. There are some extremely excited
folks on the shuttle. Dudes shouting out to each other. An extremely chatty
lady. Tall drink said she sure is talkative. I told him she’s excited. As we
head to the race site, I’m looking around at the route we take and I realize it’s
the same route I take to Mills Park where we perform our bike training sessions
on Sunday with TIFL. It’s a small world after all. Next thing I know we make a
turn and we are here. That was quick. We unload and head to race HQ. I drop my
gear bag. I inquire about t-shirt swap because female cut shirts are not meant
for fluffy chicks. I’m told shirt exchanges will happen post race. CHECK. My
smedium shirt is in my gear bag. Once a girl scout, always a girl scout, be
prepared. We have about 2 hours before the race start. We find a bench and cop
a squat. We meet a lady who has done the race for the last couple of years. She
recognizes me from other races. She is wearing OBX half marathon shirt. I tell
her I did that race in 2013. I run into my swim instructor Eric who is doing
the marathon. I commend all folks who do marathons. I’m only ½ crazy. According
to Ron Wahula , ½ crazy is still crazy. You got that right. I run into one of
my TIFL sisters, Claudia Mello who is doing the marathon. We get a pre-race
pic. Racing is all about the pics these days. Tall drink I run into my swim
instructor Eric Kaufman who is doing the marathon. Claudia remembers him from
the Lifetime-Cary running group. That’s what I LOVE about this area. The running
community is everywhere. They help you commemorate the experience. and I people
watch some more. Since this is his first
½, he’s taking it all in and he’s checking out the eye candy. MEN SMH. The race
announcer is bright eyed and bushy tailed and announces we should line up about
7:30am. I check in on my TIFL sister Kristie Pyle who drove up from Charlotte
to do the race. That rascal is waiting in her car with the heat on. She tells
me she will get out in time for the race line-up. She has 1 of those parking
passes. She is parked like right at the start. IF I do this race again, I will definitely
drop $10 on the parking pass. You park like right at the race start/finish and
can slide out through the back entrance. SCORE!!! I stretch my legs for a few
minutes and walk around. I can tell by the crowds more folks are showing up. I
run into one of my BTA chicas Candace Brown. She asks me if I’m doing the full
or the half. I tell her I always crack up when I get asked that. I’m like I’m
only ½ crazy but the fact you ask me is amazing. She tells me that means that
she thinks I am capable of doing the full. Once upon a time ago about 8 years
ago I had a dream of doing a marathon. Then I watched the women’s marathon
during the 2008 summer Olympics. I saw Olympic trained athletes pass the … out.
I decided that I no longer wanted to do a marathon.
As it gets closer to 7:30 we go and head to the line-up. Tall drink
notices this green signs that folks are holding up. I explain to him that those
are pace groups. Some runners run with pace groups to help them keep a certain
time for the race. There is 1:30 (1 hour and 30 minute) half marathon pace
group, we see 6:00 marathon pace group. I know there is a 7:00 limit on the
marathon and then I see the pace leader and it’s one of my NCRC buddies
Marjorie. She has “attempted” to talk me into doing MCM(Marine Corps Marathon)
a few times. “Jo come do MCM with us and get kicked off the bridge by the cops”
First off MCM is a MARATHON and I ain’t interested in doing no marathon.
As we wait for the start of the race, we run into Brittany and Ellen. I
introduce them to tall drink. I tell him they just did Star Wars half in
California. Ellen tells him Jo was so jealous of us. This is straight up TRUTH.
Star Wars and Disney, that’s what heaven looks like. I see Intisar and her
sisters. They all have signs on marking her dad Matthew who is doing his 300th
marathon. Completely AMAZING!!! Kristie finally makes it out her car and joins
us. We are talking about the pace groups and she has now decided that she could
totally do the marathon next year since you have 7 hours to complete. I tell
her umm hmm I’ll see you when you pass me while I’m doing the half.
The race DJ has some great music playing before the race starts. Final
Countdown is playing. I crack up thinking about the Geico commercial. 8am is
here and the race starts. Tall drink is called that for a reason and he can see
the start of the race. He tells me they have taken off. We move towards the
start. I tell him the race starts once we cross the start line. Once he
crosses, he is gone like the wind. He tells me “big baby I got to set my pace”
He moves way faster than I do and there was no way on God’s green earth I was
trying to keep up with him for 13.1 miles. He took off. I moved slow and steady
out of the park which was slightly uphill. I break into a sweat already and we
haven’t even gotten started good. After I turn right out of the park I am
really sweating and wishing I had brought a towel with me. I’m really wishing I
would have brought my frog tog. Who would have thought about bringing a frog
tog to a race in March which is technically still winter but today it feels
like late spring. The roads are open and I notice I am the end of the race, my
normal spot. There is no cop car following me like most races. I make the left
onto Morrisville Parkway and I hit mile 1 and there is a water stop. I take
some Gatorade. I make my way up and down Morrisville parkway. I’m like where is
the turn onto the ATT. I see a cluster of people and cars and cops. I also see
a lead cyclist heading towards me so that means the 1st finisher is
done on the ATT and headed back to the finish. I see him, he is completely
soaked in sweat. He is flying. I see the turn onto ATT. I turn left onto the
ATT. After intense studying of the course map, drive-by of the road course on Friday
and a bike ride on the ATT part of the course on Wednesday, I’m pretty familiar
on what the course is all about. I’m heading down ATT. I know there is another
water stop coming up that my TIFL sister Meg Fanney is volunteering at. It
shows up right at the White Oak trail head of ATT. My bladder is talking to me
so I make a pit stop. I stop by and get some water and Gatorade. Wave to Meg
and keep it moving. At this point I am feeling pretty good. I don’t even feel
the heat at this point. I believe my body temperature has dropped because my
shirt is wet from the sweating. It’s overcast and shady on the trail. I cross
the trail crossing. Female cop is directing traffic. She sees me and tells me “you
better do it” There is an abundance of encouragement at every race I do. I LOVE
it. I keep walking down ATT. I pass the Galloway water stop. They have GU’s and
chews. I take 1 of each. I grab water and Gatorade. I see the water stop leader
Cary Greening who is rocking a really cool green hulu skirt and matching hat.
Folks are passing me on the opposite side heading back up ATT. I see a lot of
my TIFL sisters, Meredith, Maureen, Beth, Miya, Jennifer. They are rolling on
the trail. I am headed to another water stop. I see the sign and it’s the BGR
water stop. They have the Wobble playing. I can so tell my energy is -5000
because I don’t even feel like attempting to dance to the song. DANGER
DANGER!!!! I see Natasha Grimes passing out water. This is like déjà vu of 2
years ago when she was going Race 13.1 Raleigh and I was working at the water
stop and she was coming through. I remembered how she was looking. That’s just
about how I was looking. She came up to and asked me if I needed anything. I
told her no and that this course was killing me. She told me “you know how we
do, you got this”. Did I mention my Bluetooth headphones had died about a mile
or so back. I am no longer listening to my music. It’s just the noise in my
head which is starting to think we should just go ahead and call Uber to take
us back to the park so we can call it a day. When you are racing it is truly
MIND OVER MATTER. Then sometimes it’s your body trying to tell you. I am
reminded of that scene in The Color Purple when the choir is seeing “God’s
trying to tell you something”. I am headed towards the turn around and I am not
doing good. I see Kristie on the opposite and she stops and comes over to me.
She asks me if I’m alright. I break down that this course is kicking my ass. It’s
really emotional at this point. She asks how I’m feeling and if I feel like I can
keep going. She says “Jo listen to your body, what is it telling you” my mind
is telling me no but body is telling me yeah. I start to get it together and
tell her I can keep going. She tells me to call her if I need anything and she
will see me at the finish line.
I keep pushing along the trail. I see mile 6. I go through through the
tunnel which looks like something right out of a scary movie. It is cool in
there but does not smell good. I am out of the tunnel and I keep thinking where
in the heck is the turn around and I see a station set up in the distance but I
see folks running past it. I’m thinking this has to be the turn around. I see a
sign on the ground that says half marathon turn around. As I cross the timing
mat, the 2 dudes monitoring the timing equipment, tell me to turn around. Thank
the Lord. I am officially at the ½ way point of the race. I head back up the trail.
I pass through the tunnel. I pass the BGR water stop and get water and Gatorade.
Carletta who I know by her FB name as Sea Jay offers me some potato chips. I’m
thinking the salt will help me out. Negative will roger those suckers made me
thirsty. I sip on my camel back and keep moving up the trail. I pass the
Galloway water stop and get water and Gatorade. I ask for some chews. There is
a sister passing out the chews. She tells me “your hair is so thick” I’m like
oh yeah. She tells me “that’s a blessing” I never really thought about it like
that. Food for thought. I’m about 9 months into wearing my hair natural and it’s
like a mystery this thing called hair. I much on the chews and head up the
trail. I’m really dragging. I keep stopping and leaning on the trees. One guy
passes me and tells me you got the right pace, take your time and rest. He ain’t
never lied. I keep meandering my way on the trail. I hear a voice yell “Johanna”
I know it’s Eric, this dude is way too energized to be doing a marathon. He is
running with Claudia. They ask if I’m ok. Claudia offers me some of her pickle
juice. Thinking back a day later on this offer, I should have taken her up on
it. I tell them I’m ok. They keep rolling up the trail. I am telling myself I just
need to make it to mile 10 water stop and then I am going to go take a potty
break and sit down and get myself together. I am so happy to see the white oak
trail crossing. The sister cop is still out there directing traffic, bless her
heart. I see the sun is coming out. I’m like oh snap it’s going to be blasting
me once I get out the trail. I see a mirage in the distance. It’s the water
stop. EMS guy walks up to me and ask “if I’m Johanna? Folks have been worried
about you. How are you doing” I tell him I’m doing ok just hot. He tells to go
ahead and take a break at the aid station. I get water, Gatorade, ice. I take a
squat on the bench by the tables. I see a female runner laying on the ground.
EMS are around here. Next thing I know ambulance has showed up and they wheel
her out on a stretcher. I tell one of the adult volunteers that it must be
serious if they are taking her out. She tells that is the 2nd person
she has seen be taken out on stretcher today. I hope she is ok. I grab the cup
of ice they gave me. The wonderful volunteers have filled my camelback with ice
and water. Hi Ho Hi Ho it’s off to the finish line I go. 3.1 miles left AKA a
5K. I can do this. As I make my way to the trail crossing, I notice there are way
less people out there. Guess the excitement is over and folks have hauled tail
out of here.
I leave out the trail. I pass mile 11. I start feeling twinges in my
legs. I shake it off. This was CLUE#1 that my body was telling me. I ignored
it. I sip on water in my camel back that the lovely volunteers have filled with
ice and water. Next thing I know both my legs cramp up on me and I am literally
paralyzed and I hit the ground. I scream in agony because this is pain I have
never felt before in my life. Folks show up to see what’s going on. I have
never experienced this in my life. I keep thinking well there goes my
half-fantic quest. One lady tells me she needs to be sit up and drink the Gatorade
she has in her bottle. I drink it. Another runner is massaging my left leg. I don’t
know who this dude is but he is an angel from God. Later I learn that he is
runner with Galloway. It is helping my leg calm down. They are calling for
help. A couple who was biking stopped to help. There are still good people in
the world. I was truly down for the count. Medics show up and ask me what’s
going on. I tell them what happen. The seizing has stopped in my legs but I can
tell they are still sore. 2 of the medics help me up. OMG that was hard to get
up off the ground. They walk me over to their truck. I rest there for a while.
Then it starts to rain cats and dogs. One of the medic says now it wants to
rain. The rain feels good to me because I was hot and it’s cooling me off. Just
as quick as the rain starts it stops. I’m feeling much better. I get out and
get into the SAG wagon. They drop me off down the road. I get out and start
wobbling to finish out the course. I was so happy to see the entrance to the
park I didn’t know what to do. I hear this lady scream “you go this, you are
almost there” I tell her she has the strongest lungs. This chick can holler
like Marvin Gaye. I really am moving 1 step at a time because the legs are
still sore and apparently there is still something left in the tank. I keep
moving and I see the finish line chute, I see Kristie on the side. She tells me
“jo you are amazing” I keep moving and cross the finish line. I glance up at
the clock and it’s been over 6 hours since I started. Do I care that it took me
6 hours to finish, nope. I care that I finished and finished upright. After I cross
they give me my medal, thank you very much. This bling is huge. Me like J. I walk over to kristie. I tell her I didn’t think I was going to make
it. I see Barbara farrell another tifl sister. She tells me she’s been worried
about me, she heard them talking about me in the medic tent. I see Intisar who
saw me laying on the ground. She’s so glad I’m doing ok. As we are all talking
there is applause from the crowd because the last Ansley Angel person is
crossing the finish line. All their folks went out to bring them in. That’s
truly amazing. We get a group picture. I tell Kristie and Barabara that it is
pure torture that after you cross the finish line, you have to walk up a hill
to get to the Race HQ. I see the RD and he gives me a hug and tells me that I have
done something that 90% of people don’t do and that’s finish a race. Kristie is
heading back to Charlotte. Barb is going to give me a ride back to my car that’s
at NetApp. First I need to pick up my gear bag. Pick up my gear bag. I head
over to the registration area and ask if they are still exchanging shirts. Ron Wahula
is there and he tells me congratulations. Then he said “you just finished a
race and your priority is to exchange your shirt” I tell him “yep, brought my
smedium race shirt in my gear bag” they swap my shirt out. Thank you very much.
When I tell tall drink about it later, he laughs because he was the same way
after run for the roses about getting a race shirt. I pick up chocolate milk. We
stop by great harvest and get some bread. Barbara knows the lady. She insists
we take a loaf of bread home. Well of course we did. Who turns down FREE bread.
Not me. Barb asks if I want to get some pizza. I ask is it any good. She tells
me I don’t know any pizza that’s not good after a race. I agree and respond it
could be the worse pizza in the world but after a race it will taste like the
best thing you have ever eaten. I walk up to the papa john’s truck and the guy
ask me do I want a slice, 2 slices or a box. I tell him if you are giving me
the option of an entire pizza I will take it. Free whole pizza, free loaf of
bread and 2 chocolate milks. I do believe I have hit the jackpot. With that
ladies and gentlemen, jo has the left tobacco road marathon and she MAY return next year.