Ramblin Rose Raleigh
May 17, 2015
Typically you don't get good sleep the night before a race but I slept
pretty good. I tend to toss and turn continuously through the night.
This was pretty typical of my sleep the night before the race. Because I
was extra paranoid I set double alarms for 5am. Like most athletes, I woke up and checked the time to make sure I didn't oversleep. It was about 4:21am.
I went back to sleep and literally 2 minutes later both alarms were
going off like someone had broken into the house LOL. I started my race
prep. I ate my typical morning breakfast of peanut butter and bagel. My
appetite was off as normal so I decided to go ahead and head to the
race. Car is packed, bike loaded and off to AE Finley YMCA I go. I get
to the race site about 5:40am,
oh yes it's early. I see a few of TIFL sisters pulling up. I unload my
bike, check my tire pressure, unload my bucket and head over to
transition. I actually only make 1 trip this year, woo hoo. My race
number is 41, I'm all the way in the back of transition like 2 shakes
of a lambs tail from the bike start. I rack my bike and set up my
transition area.
It dawns on me I left my 2nd bottle of powerade in the
fridge. I start to panic. I notice my bike bib sticker has been torn
apart from attaching it to close to the gears, panic sets in again. I
can tell my nerves are kicking because I'm sweating like a sinner I'm
church. Then my stomach starts tripping. This is going to be a long day.
I head to the timing chip area. Don't bring my race bib and have to walk
back to Durham county AKA my spot in transition and get my race bib. I
get my chip. Head over to get body marked. One of my TIFL sisters
Barbara Ferrel is volunteering there. She body marks me. I ask her if
she can put my chip on. We both discover I'm bloated because the chip
strap barely fits around my ankle. Can you tell I'm having an awesome
start to my race day? I hang around this area as I see a few of my TIFL
future triathletes coming in. I think back to when it was me and I walked
around like a kid on his first day of school and my TIFL mentors were
guiding me on what to do. I see Monica Oliver and I tell her get your
chip and then head to transition. I feel like a TIFL greeter. I love it.
When it's your first triathlon it can be slightly overwhelming.
I head back to my spot in the transition area and I see more ladies have
shown up. I'm surround by my TIFL sisters, Kelly Truncer, Trina
Burkett, Sherry Johnson Vann and Tracey Brown Burton. I guess I wasn't
the only one who registered EARLY.
I pull my swim cap and goggles out
because it's close to 7:45am when transition closes.
We head over to the gym for the pre-race meeting. We meet up with the rest
of our TIFL sisters. Our cheer captain AKA social committee co-captain Sharon Johsnonleads
us in our TIFL cheer. Who are we? Triathletes What do we do? Finish
Strong. We are loud like a white linen suit on Halloween. I just came up
with that lol.
The swim portion of the race is here, the 10s AKA the female Michael Phelps head in first. I was marked as a 6. My partner in crime AKA my
amigo Julie Reed is a 7. I go with the 7s. As we line up we meet another
TIFL sister Clar Raynell Ty DeVane who tells us she is doing Beach 2
Battleship in the fall. My jaw drops to the ground. For those who are
unfamiliar, this a HIM(half iron-man) 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and
13.1 run. Yes the words BadArse and crazy come to mind. We head into the
pool, I'm directed to swim on the left. I love swimming but I don't know
what it is about race day that I get shook in the pool. I was inhaling
water like a smoker. I got in under control and got 225 yards done. Out
the pool and walking back to transition and I'm wishing I would have
brought my flops because you walk through some type of sod or grass
outside the pool which hurts. I make it to transition, sit on my bucket
and have a little talk with Jesus because it's about to get REAL on the
bike course. Helmet on, gloves on, socks and shoes on, iPhone in case
and sunscreen has been applied. I head out for the HARD part, the bike
ride. The course has changed twice, lovely. I had just taken a Test
Drive on the course the day before so I knew where I was going. Lawd
have mercy the heat was on and so was the humidity.
The beginning of the bike course goes downhill. You have to remember
what goes down must come up. I'm doing pretty good for the first 2
miles. Then we get to the last street before the turn on six forks and
this thing is a steep hill. I look ahead and see Amigo Julie is in front
of me walking her bike. I get off and walk as well. I get to six forks
and see Julie has dropped her bike on the grass and sitting on the
curve. Our TIFL sister Barbara Ferrell is at the turn. She is checking
on us as well. You leave no amigo behind. I stop to see what's going on.
She's felling nauseous. Heat, hills and humidity are not joke. She
refuels but is thinking about doing DNF. When I heard her say DNF I almost
decide to call it myself but there's bling waiting for me at the end.
Another TIFL sister Harvestine is coming up to the turn. She checks on
us as well. Julie is feeling better. I head out with Harvestine. At this point
you are still at an in incline, I ask the cop can I walk across. The cop
tells me "you can do whatever you want. You are doing better than me
because I wouldn't even be out here" I'm on six forks and I get back on the
bike. North on six forks and left onto mount Vernon church road. I am
familiar with this road, it was on the course last year. They have
warned us about the downhill. Downhills are my friends. I LOVE
downhills. I FLY down hills. There is no fear on downhill. I will SMOKE
you on a downhill. What goes down, must come up. I walk up the rest of mount Vernon because it's a
hill. Once it flattens I get back on and turn left onto Kinsdale. I know
exactly where I am. Turn onto Countrywood. I know what is coming up
next, Carrington AKA the devil in disguise. Who do I see at the top of
Countrywood and Carrinngton, 1 of my fav people in the world, Brett
Friendlander, my TIFL sister Karen Friendlander's better half. He tells
me "Johanna you were booking up Countrywood" apparently I haven't run
out of fuel yet. I turn onto Carringtn. Carrington and I have an
understanding. I will fly down and I will promptly get off my back about
100 yards from the "pot holes in my lawn" section and walk the rest of
the way. A Carrington resident tells me "it gets flat once you past the
for sale sign" he must think this is my first rodeo because I know for a
fact it doesn't get flat until you turn at the stop sign. I pass a
family at a house on the right and I ask them "where are the mimosas"
the mother tells me "that's the house next door, they're out of town"
FYI the house next door was handing out mimosas last year. By the time
we got to them they were out of orange juice. Amigo Erin Kenner asked
them what else they got to drink. At the turn I see a TIFL sister Lauren
Herring telling me "come see me jo" I get back on the bike and continue
on the course. I really know I'm almost there. Turn turn and I am
riding across the 540 bridge and I really know I'm almost there. I make
that left onto Baileywick and I head back to the Y. there is a hill to
get back to the Y. My body tells me to go ahead and walk. I walk all the
way back to bike finish. I'm worried about Julie. I see my TIFL sister Lillie Ebron at
the bike finish and I ask them have they send Julie. They haven't. I'm
thinking she is ok. I head to rack my back and prepare for the final
piece, 2 mile run. If you know me I have never ran on the run course. I
use it as my recovery. Apparently I was doing too much as I removed my iPhone from the bike mount with the Otter box pieces in the same hand and my iPhone falls out my hand and onto the ground. It literally takes me a minute to realize that was my phone that just hit the ground. Let's take a moment of silence for my phone. As I am recovering from the bike and my cracked iPhone, who do I see
coming into transition JULIE REED. She made it through the bike course.
She tells me "jo let's walk the run together" I'm like oh yeah this is
going to be a straight up walk.
We head out of transition and hit the
run course. We see fellow TIFL sisters who have finished rooting us on.
We are strolling on the course.
We are in no hurry. We will get to the
finish line slow and steady. The heat is starting to take its toll on
me. I stop a lot and take in water alternating with powerade. One loop
down and we head on the last loop. When we make that turn on Baileywick
and head toward the finish I'm so excited. Julie decides to run it in. I
tell her "running is so not going to happen" I walk to the finish line.
Guess who is at the finish line giving out the finishers medals Amigo
Erin Keener. She doesn't like to be touched. I give her an extra long
sweaty hug. She tells me "put on your own medal." I reply back "nope
that's your job" she puts on my medal.
I have completed TRIATHALON #5
Ramblin Rose #3. I am a TRIATHELETE again.
I love my #TRITribe
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