Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Longest bike ride to date

One of my awesome TIFL sisters planned a birthday weekend in Charleston. Of course the weekend included a race but as part of the marathon weekend, they have an after race bike ride. The bike ride has 20, 40 and 60 mile options. I opted for the 20 mile option. I still consider myself a newbie cyclist. We made a pit stop at performance bicycle on Friday and I walked around like a kid in a candy store. I need so many things for my bike. I know what my tax return or my STI aka bonus will be going towards just like it did last year when I bought my bike.

We get up Sunday and start preparing for the bike ride. I always ride with CamelBak. I pulled it out my backpack and realized the reservoir top was missing. That's not good. I fill the reservoir up but water splashes right out. I'm thinking yeah this might b my first ride without the CamelBak.

We load the bikes and our gear in the Jeep. We make a breakfast pit stop at Mickey D's. That egg white delight was delish.

We hit the road for Mt Pleasant. We miss out exit and then eventually get back on the correct route. Thanks GPS! We see a Charleston marathon truck at the entrance of our turn so we know we are at the right place. We see other cars with bikes so we really know we are at the right place. We had some location issues with Saturday's 5K.

After we park, we don't exactly know where to go for packet pickup. We assume it's in the building we see people walk to and from. SN: they need some signs. I pick up my packet and shirt. Bonus we got 2 shirts:1 for the 5K and 1 for the bike ride. As I'm waiting for Claudia and Sharon to get their packets, a lady walks up to me and ask "are you with Tri It For Life" I'm like yeah, she tells me she recognizes me from the pics on the Facebook page. It's Raini Binnicker Kimball from TIFL-Charlotte who we were told was in Charleston for the same races. Her and her husband are both doing the 40 mile ride.

We chit chat a bit. Then we both make a very necessary pit stop to the facilities. I head out to get ready for the ride. I've decided to forgo the CamelBak and tuck a bottle of water in my bag that's hitched to my bike. We take our bikes to the bike guy who's checking bikes. Bike is checked. 60 miles riders have taken off. 40 milers are lining up, that's Claudia and Sharon. Then they are off. Last but certainly not least is the 20 milers that includes me, the 2 BTA ATL peeps we had dinner with last night. I see the TIFL Charlotte sisters have arrived. They were working on real CP time. The announcer talks to us about the route, rest stop and SAG support. At about 9:01am we are off. Every time I get on a bike I start to not like how big my bum is because it's always sore one second after I get on the bike. I have my que sheet just in case I lose the group which I know I will.

We turn right out the school. We ride about 1.5 miles down and make a right on a main road that is pretty flat but there's a bridge waiting for us. I try to ride up the bridge but my body tells me "Nah you should just walk" that's exactly what I do because there's no shame in walking. One bridge down, who knows how many to go. Crossing this bridge reminds me of the bridge at OBX. At the bottom, turn right down another long road. I see a couple turn in front of me who I recognize are part of the bike ride. Then they make a left turn. I'm concerned that this is not the right turn. I pull off to confirm with my que sheet and this is not the turn. I keep going straight. I see a road marking that confirms I was right. I keep riding and then I ride upon 2 female cyclists who look like they are having issues. I ask if I can help even though I really can't. They are happy that I stopped. They have it covered. I keep on down the road. My next turn comes up and it passes right by a church. I start humming "I need thee oh I need thee. At this point my quads are talking back to me, my upper arms are tired, my right foot keeps falling asleep and I'm freezing. Did I mention my nose has been running since I first hit the bridge. I keep riding and then come to a stop and I see green flags with the words "RACE OPS" and I'm thinking it's the rest stop. I turn into the gas station. I'm so excited. One of the TIFL Charlotte chicks tells me I'm a little early for the rest stop. You're actually suppose to be at 11 miles when you get there. They did the same thing, hit the rest stop twice. I'm just glad for a break from the bike for a few minutes. I enjoy the rest stop for a few minutes. Hit the facilities and head back on the correct route, I make a wrong turn and don't see the marking on the road. I head back to the main road and make a left. I see the road markings. I pass fort Sumter site and turn through the neighborhoods and make it back to the rest stop officially at this point. The SAG guy ask if I need a lift back, I really want to tell him YES but I want to push on through. The couple who made that "turn" ride in, I ask them about that. They tell me they were on the scenic route. I think we have to go back towards the BRIDGE and the husband tells me no. I'm a little happy about that. The 3 of us head out and opt for sidewalks. There is a bridge but it's nothing like the first one. Did I mention there was some serious headwinds. Riding a bike plus strong headwinds = frozen Johanna. As I make it down the bridge I see a sign that says "welcome to mount pleasant" HALLEJUAH and thank you God we are back in the town we started in. I check my iPhone and it's in the single digits. I tell myself as soon as I hit 15 miles I'll connect it to the portable charger. I stop to do this and check my bag and you know what the charger and cable are not there. I realize they are in my gear bag which is in the jeep and the keys are with the owner on the 40 mile ride. I have no choice but to make it back because I can't call anyone and I don't know anyone's number by hard except the ride sag people on the que sheet. I'm on the final stretch headed to the school and I just break down and cry because I'm ready to get off the bike, I don't want to ride anymore, I don't want to do any races anymore. I'm just sore tired and hungry. I see the turn for the school, there's a guy waiting there. He ask "how many miles did you do" I reply 20 miles. He looks disappointed. I'm thinking to myself are you FU kidding me. I don't think about his reaction. I ride on to the parking lot. I disembark from the bike which takes 2 tries. I'm thinking I made it. I actually made it.19.1 mile bike ride is in the books.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had read this while I was struggling to lose weight with running. I was doing my best to eat right and run every day to lose weight, but I just wasn't seeing it. Thankfully after a few years I was able to find a good diet and I started a really good workout program that has helped me lose 40 pounds!
    You can find a review of that workout program here http://wp.me/p5NIsT-14/... its definitely worth having a look at girls.
    For those who are still working hard to lose weight and struggling the best advise I can give is to not give up and keep trying new things.
