Sunday, September 15, 2013

Recapping this past week

Monday September 9 I took my first hot yoga class at Rapid Fitness. It was a real tough workout. I sweated like I have never sweated in my life. My knees are still sore 6 days later. I looked it up and you can burn between 500-1000 calories from one 60 minute class. I believe I did. I was amazed at how flexible the instructor was. AMAZING.

Tuesday September 10 I woke up in pain from the hot yoga and the 38 squats I decided to try. I took the day off from working out. The good news I have to report is I lost 3.6 lbs. I was the 2nd biggest loser of the week at TOPS.

Wednesday September 11 I am still taking time off to recover from the soreness. I finally go to Massage Envy for a well-needed and overdue massage. 60 minutes was just not enough.

Thursday September 12 I finally decided to get up and out the bed and go for a walk to help ease some of the soreness. It went better than I thought.

Friday September 13 I attend water aerobics at Rapid Fitness. It felt so good to get in the water. My favorite part is getting in the hot tub after class. It's nothing but pure joy.

Saturday September 14 I met up with the NCRC Women's Beginner Running Group at the Dorthea Dix campus to run the Women's Distance Festival course. It was hilly. I'm glad I got out there because it let me know what to expect next weekend on race day

Sunday September 15 The Magnificent Mile was held in Downtown Raleigh. this was my 1st race post surgery. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes while on the course. I took off running when the race started. I was good for about a minute. Then I walked and ran a little more. I was really pushing myself and I could feel it. I wasn't breathing properly and felt it in my throat. My right foot started feeling really hot and burning. I figured it was either the socks or the shoes. I need to change up either. I had a 19 minute mile which is pretty good for a person who is 6 weeks out after major surgery.

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