Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My 1st Wednesday night swim and taking the Tri suit for its first swim

I decided to get fully ready for the mock Tri I need to attend all 3 trainings this week. That included the Wednesday night swim. This was my first time attending the Wednesday night swim. Since I have my brand new tie suit from junonia I figured that tonight would be a good time to break it in. I'm putting it on and the zipper is I the back. I struggle zipping it up but finally it get it up. I head to TAC about 6:45. Swim starts at 7:30. OMG the parking lot was packed. TAC is rocking on Wednesday night.

I head to poolside to meet with the other TIFL athletes. Erin comes over and checks out my Tri suit and thanks to her discovery I am wearing my suit backward. Who knew?? You have to really be comfortable to realize you are wearing something backwards and not get upset when everyone is laughing at you. Erin tells me I should go turn it around because swimming will not work. I go make a quick wardrobe turnaround and OMG it makes so much more sense when I put it on the right way. Zipper in front. Who knew? I know now. It fits so much better. When I head back poolside, everyone starts cheering. I love my TIFL family.

We line up in our swimming paces/lanes. We do our warmup drills and swimming drills for 30 minutes. Then the real fun happens, we get out the pool and line up for 250 yard swimming just like the race. I make it through the 250 yards. I've discovered that the swim is your race and you do what you do to get through. I'm thinking I am going to rock the mock and ramblin rose.

Tomorrow is bike ride along the race course. I have been told "wonderful" things about it including the HILLS. Bring it on!!

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